Secure and resilient cybersecurity with Sui Generis

Protect your digital assets and reputation with comprehensive audits, proactive monitoring, and robust risk mitigation measures.

Office worker at a conference table

Defend your assets from evolving threats

Sui Generis provides comprehensive cybersecurity solutions designed to bolster your digital defenses and safeguard your organization's valuable assets. Each of our implementations take a proactive approach to protecting you from evolving threats, utilizing managed antivirus systems, phishing and email risk mitigation, and multiple offsite data backups.

Remote threat monitoring

We implement cutting-edge tools that enable our experts to swiftly identify and neutralize threats to your assets.

Redundant Offsite Backups

Our multiple offsite backup redundancy effectively mitigates the risk of an attack, providing a secure and resilient safeguard for your critical data.

Raise awareness of modern threats

Ensure your workforce is well-prepared with our identification techniques for those who need training on phishing and email threats.

Sui Generis provides comprehensive cybersecurity solutions designed to bolster your digital defenses and safeguard your organization's valuable assets. Each of our implementations take a proactive approach to protecting you from evolving threats, utilizing managed antivirus systems, phishing and email risk mitigation, and multiple offsite data backups.

Keys to our our risk assessment

We conduct a comprehensive audit to determine your risk level and how quickly we can make you secure.

Keys to our our risk assessment

We conduct a comprehensive audit to determine your risk level and how quickly we can make you secure.


Network infrastructure and access control

The state of your network infrastructure and how tightly you control access to it is a foundational pillar of your business's security. Outdated or vulnerable components, or overexposed networks, can create weak points that cyber threats exploit.


Employee awareness

Employees who are well-informed and trained are often times the best defense against cyberattacks. Our security audit evaluates your workforce's cyber awareness and identifies areas where additional training can prevent breaches.


Software and tools

Tools and software, including email platforms and operating systems, coupled with the level of access control, significantly impact your organization's security posture. Outdated or improperly configured software can become vulnerable points of entry for cyberattacks.

Ensure resilience against cyber attacks

Resilience is key to safeguarding your business. To provide an extra layer of mitigation, we maintain two offsite backup locations. This ensures not only the safety of your data onsite but also extends our protective shield to an offsite environment. In the event of a cyber attack or data breach, you can rely on us to minimize downtime and data loss, enabling your business to recover swiftly and continue its operations without disruption.

Technician configuring a server with a tablet

Safeguard your digital assets

Contact us today to schedule a risk assessment audit from one of our experts